Rocket League - Strip League

Platforms: Desktop, Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4

Rocket League

For those unfamiliar - Rocket League is a ball-based sports game not too dissimilar from Football which requires the players drive the ball into their opponent's goal, and I mean drive literally as all players are in vehicles capable of boosting and short bursts of flight, making for an exciting to-and-fro that is so much fun no matter your skill level or experience in games. You can easily set up against some easy-level bots and have a great time without needing to master aerial juggling or dribbling as the pros do. Plus, its built-in split-screen is a great way to have some fun together with no internet needed, a perfect couch game for 2-4 players to relax and battle against one another (or battle together too)!

Making it raunchy...

So with Rocket League the perfect couch game for a couple or more to enjoy together, why not get naked while playing? I'm sure you can figure out the basic rules, it's a strip game, so make sure all players have more or less the same amount of clothes on and get playing! Each time you score a goal, the other player must lose 1 article of clothing and the game comes to an end as soon as someone has stripped down to nothing - simple! Play with bots or 1v1, I like adding high skill bots just to help keep the chaos going, but there are a few extra rules I also fully recommend to expand the gameplay...

Adding complexity & playing as a team

One of my favourite additional rules is to make it so the game cannot be paused, so you must remove the article of clothing while the game plays on (not counting the replay, you must wait until the next kick-off to start removing the item of clothing), meaning one player could very easily snowball quickly from fully dressed into nothing at all. Players who are removing items of clothing could put the pad down to quickly remove clothes, or attempt to do it one handed - however, if you concede another goal before getting the last item of clothing off you must remove an extra layer the next round (or perhaps a forfeit of the goal scorer's choosing).

There is plenty more variety to be found to suit all playstyles and ability levels - if one of the players is, perhaps, slightly more skilled in Rocket League than the other then it can make for a one-sided and frustrating game - getting naked should always be fun. To balance this, switch sides so you are playing together! Playing together against bots can be just as fun as playing against one another, in fact, it can be a little more playful and less competitive! If you are playing against bots I recommend you put the difficulty about one step above where you are comfortable and see how well you can hold your own as a team, you will get undressed at the same rate so perhaps you will have more fun conceding goals than scoring them!

Perhaps an obvious additional rule, you can add to the game by allowing you to regain clothing each time you score (naturally, using the same no-pausing rule mentioned earlier), but perhaps inverting the rules might be preferable? Make it so you lose an item of clothing each time you score a goal, and even gain a piece of clothing each time you concede a goal, making it a race to get naked. If you play this way, instead of the one still dressed controlling what happens next, the first person to get down to their birthday suit should be crowned the victor and given a nice prize with a happy ending to celebrate!

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