About LVGM

This is LVGM - a collection of online games and rule sets for other games to help spice up any evening or add some entertainment to a dull afternoon. Our goal is to produce fun and useful tools, collections of ideas and games that are easy to use and versatile, so we focus on the community and its feedback to make our collection the best it can be. Looking for new ways to achieve nirvana with your partner(s), want to explore new horizons together or are simply bored on a rainy afternoon stuck indoors - we have you covered!

Our Collections

As you can see from the links above, our collection of games is split into two categories - our day collection is our "Safe For Work" games and rule sets, you can browse through the games we have on offer here without worrying about encountering anything too lewd for your daily stand-up. The night collection is, on the other hand, where we keep our lewder games. Currently, our collection doesn't contain anything too alarming, it is mostly just terminology that might make your prudish friends blush a bit. The games all include a little blurb about how to play and some of the additional features, so you should never end up too lost, most of the games are as simple as clicking a few buttons and you're away - we try to keep your hands as free as possible during play time to allow you to be doing more interesting things with them!

What are the rule sets?

So the games are generally self-explanatory, but what are the rule sets? They generally fall into two categories - Physical and Video Games. Instead of being a game you can immediately start playing on your screen, these will require something a little extra, video games will of course require a copy of the game in question and physical games may require something like a traditional board game, or at the very least some prep before you can play... Either way, all you have to do is read over how the custom rule sets work and follow them to put a new spin on an old classic!

Staying up to date

Want to know what we're up to? First and foremost, I like transparency, so I maintain a changelog which is actually a little more than that - not only does it give you a breakdown of what has changed recently (at least, the most interesting changes, ignoring general bugfixes), but it also lists my priorities and what I will be working on next (at least, what I intend to, best-laid plans and all that...). What if you want more? Well, I do keep a Twitter where I will post about game releases and share occasional clips - but for those of you that want to get access before anyone else, as well as sneak peeks on developments, then our Patreon will be what you want to check out...

Patreon support & how Early Access works

We're still small, so any supporters would be greatly appreciated - Patreon subscribers get early access to all of the games, so while I am developing and putting the finishing touches on games you can give them a blast without the wait. Generally, the games will be in a perfectly playable state, potentially just a little uglier than I would like them to be or still building up the collection of options ready for public access. It is important to note that all games will eventually go into Public Access, so nothing here will be permanently pay-walled. Patreon subscribers will also be able to shape the future of LVGM, having exclusive voting powers - remember that priority list I mentioned on the changelog? If you feel like I should be focusing on something else then make your voice heard over on the Patreon page...

Other ways to support

Your sharing of our games is immensely appreciated, as a small project getting the name out there can be challenging and if you think someone will enjoy a game here, then why not let them know? Otherwise, if you spot a bug or think something can be improved then there is a Suggest Something option on every page, click it and give us your feedback! I may not be able to reply to everything, but if you include your name I will shout you out in the changelog when your fixes become a reality.

Thanks for checking out LVGM, happy gaming!