Sims 4 - Rags to Revenge

Platforms: Desktop, Xbox One, PlayStation 4

Rags to Riches

Anyone who knows the Sims 4 probably knows Rags to Riches, it is a simple premise: buy an empty lot, wipe your bank balance and fight your way back to solvency. There are a handful of variants, with different rule sets that make the challenge more difficult or add more criteria all over the internet, so this is my extension to the standard formula with my own little spin...

Enacting Revenge

Revenge requires someone to blame, so let's start with that - pick a non-playable Sim in a new world to be the target of your ire, of course, this is a Rags to Riches style game, so buy an empty lot in the same world as them and wipe your bank balance to begin. Your goal in the long run will be to see your target's demise, but until then there are a handful of goals you need to complete along the way - revenge can't be quick, it must be humiliating!

Set-up & Gameplay

Pick your revenge target, ideally someone with a family and a valuable lot like the Goths, buy an empty lot in their world and give yourself a balance of 0. Make your sim hate them and them hate you and that's it for setup, from here on out you are playing a standard Rags to Riches game - make money however you can, feel free to attach on any additional restrictions like not selling to the inventory, not using public lots etc. But your additional goals in Rags to Revenge are as follows:

  1. 'Steal' their family, either by romancing them away or having them see an untimely end - if you romance any members of the family and move them in with you, their wealth must stay behind
  2. Earn enough money to buy the house from under your target, once you have enough money:
    • Evict your target to another lot, move into your new house and immediately bulldoze it, for additional difficulty keep no money from bulldozing the lot/selling its contents (use the money cheat to keep your total cash consistent)
    • Build a brand new murder house on their old lot. Perhaps a building designed to give them a spectacular ending, a building to lock them away in a hidden nook and forget about them, a winding series of mazes and traps to keep them contained forever, a sauna to cook them - the list is endless, just be creative!
  3. Lul the target into a false sense of security by fixing your relationship
  4. Invite them over and enact your master plan

Useful Commands

  • CTRL + SHIFT + C - opens the prompt to enter commands and cheats
  • Money 0 - sets your money to 0
  • modifyrelationship [Sim's Full Name] [Target Sim's Full Name] -100 LTR_Friendship_Main - If you don't feel like pranking and fighting your way to hating your target, then this command will do it for you

Note: some commands may also require TestingCheats on before they will work.

Add Some Extra Challenge

You can do plenty to make it a little more challenging, including all of the typical harder Rags to Riches additional rule sets, but specific to Rags to Revenge:

  • Make it an accident: the final step must be done (or at least look) entirely accidental, with no deliberately starting fires, and no locking them in the basement to name a few. You'll have to get creative for this one - no one could blame you if Cardiac Explosion or Hysteria was the cause of death, but perhaps an act of god would be the best way to remove all possible blame...
  • Race to Revenge: bring in competition by having friends all create a world at the same time, create your sims, select the same target and race to see who can end their enemy the fastest using the same criteria.
  • Squatter: go fully homeless in your Rags to Riches play-through by living on your target's property: perhaps in a tent, hidden somewhere, or living in the attic.
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